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Panther II
Panther 2 was the vehicle constructed by the University of Pittsburgh's Human Powered Vehicle Club team during the 2017-2018 school term. In its second year, the Pitt Human Powered Vehicle Club designed and built Panther 2, a race-ready recumbent bike that competed in ASME HPVC East 2018 against other engineering schools.
Seeking to intersect my Pitt education with bicycles, I founded and organized the club in starting in 2016. In addition to modeling the bicycle frame in Solidworks to meet competition requirements, I took a lead role in manufacturing the frame, designing custom tooling, pursuing $6,000 in funding from the Student Organization Resource Center, and overcoming problems as they arose. As the club president and founder, I further developed my leadership skills through delegation of responsibilities while balancing schoolwork, research, and maintaining strong interpersonal relationships.
Competition Results
Design Event: 20th out of 47
Innovation Event: 24th out of 47
Women's Speed: 4th out of 47 (second fastest un-faired vehicle)
Men's Speed: 3rd out of 47 (fastest un-faired vehicle)
Endurance Event: 1st place. At an average speed of 13.2 mph, we logged 44 laps (34.8 miles) in 2.5 hours.
OVERALL: 4th out of 47
Design Reports
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